Flanged Tee Branch

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Tee Branches to push air into the main line at a 90° angle for Flanged Applications

Nordfab Flanged T Branch duct fittings get their name from their design because the line enters the main line at 90°, forming a T shape. They work best to push air into the main line since negative systems often pull mostly from the straight, main line due to static pressure. 

When ordering, specify both A and C where C must be equal to or smaller than A. Flanged A end is standard. If flanged ends are required on C and/or the opposing A end, select those options above. The flanges are retained via a vanstone lip so that bolt holes can easily be aligned with those on existing flanged connections.

Available with QF ends in diameters up to 24" and other end types upon request. Contact us for assistance with custom ends, sizes, gauges and materials.

Product Features

  • 90° angle creates T shape
  • Work best for positive systems
  • For flanged end applications

Product Specifications

Diameter 3 - 24 inch
Length C + 8"
Gauge ≤12":22ga, ≥13":20ga
Material Galv, 304SS
Duct Type Flange
Edge Van Stone Lips

Info & Guides

Questions & Answers

How do I connect to the end of an existing non QF system?
We offer a full line of adapters to connect to any existing pipe you might have. The QF Angle Flange Adapter in particular is used to connect flanged ducting to QF ducting.

When do I need to use stainless steel?
Stainless steel is used in FDA, chemical and high temperature applications.

Still have questions?
Browse our frequently asked questions page or contact us.



Nordfab®, Quick-Fit®, and QF® are registered brands of Nordfab and are used here with Nordfab permission as we are a Nordfab Authorized Dealer.