AAF InternationalContact us for Pricing & Ordering. Give us a call at (800) 878-7309 or email mail@biscoair.com.
Flexible & Low Maintenance Mist Collector
The AAF® DynaPure® is a unique self contained filtration system for source capture of mist generated by wet machining, spraying and lubrication systems. It provides increased flexibility and lower maintenance than competitive designs.
Mist laden air is drawn into the DynaPure where a rotating drum collects and agglomerates the mist particles - including submicron particles - in its filtering element. Centrifugal force then drives these particles from the air stream. The collected mist is drained and may be returned directly to the machine or collected for disposal. Clean air is returned to the plant atmosphere through the built in stack discharge.
Key Features & Benefits |
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For pricing, ordering or more information about the AAF® DynaPure®, contact us.